Which fabric would you choose? Which paint color or colors would you select? Tough choice so read on for my decisions.
As most of you already know, we converted the former dining room in our downsized last best next home to our TV/Den hang out room. In the original remodeling, these French doors were added to create an intimate cozy room semi closed off from the main entry.

Not only did these doors add a lovely design element, they also provided a welcome noise barrier with Bob being retired…you get my drift…:)
Below are the original images of the designated dining room which served the previous owners very well. We decided right off the bat we knew we would not keep this space as a dining room. Even though we have 3 levels that work beautifully for my studio upstairs and Bob’s man cave in the lower lever, we needed a room for just us to watch TV, read, or whatever.

See why the French doors were such a necessary element for our den? How could we feel warm and cozy practically being in the entry? This was construction budget money well spent as you can see in this image.

Construction of these wonderfully effective addition of the French doors.

Suprisingly, we love being our our living room watching nature unfold, entertaining, enjoying happy hour in front of the fire place, reading, working puzzles, or just relaxing. Having a TV in our “happy place”? No way!

Everything seen in this image shows what we moved from Kansas knowing that when the timing worked out, definitely an upgrade would happen. But you know what? I am a designer without my sources here in Ohio. Another challenge for me was not going to market due to the virus cancellations. Therefore, to source products took me much longer than I had anticipated.

However, we designers are a resouceful bunch so I leaned on my trusted resources like Custom Coverings in Wichita with Joyce coming to my rescue.

I was fortunate to make a trip to Wichita where I sourced these fabrics and this wonderful area rug. Again, as most designers often experience, my original first choice fabric was discontinued. These fabrics shown were where Joyce was invaluable finding a substitution and I love them all.

Since this room is so small with very limited amount of elements along with working with Bob’s favorite glider rocker easy chairs, whew, finding this rug was not easy. I could not be more pleased. Jake happens to really appreciate not resting on our rather hard texture former outdoor area rug.

You all know that I am really adament about green design, repurposing, and using our treasures. This photo represents all three of my top goals. Green design is achieved when we are not adding to the landfills. Repurposing happens finding new uses for our possessions. The oak library table, green chairs, and bench were in Bob’s study, the longer bench is from our master bedroom. The pillows were in our upstairs TV area.

Finally, after much deliberation, the two paints on the left and the fabric on the right are my choices. The lighter paint on the far left will be above the chair rail and the middle paint color will be below the chair rail. I am completely confident that this room will be one of the favorites when finished. And of course, I will be sharing with you all!
Living and loving life together,

P.S. Please Be sure to follow me on Instagram, Youtube, Pinterest, like my Facebook page & join my new Facebook group!
What a difference that makes! I love your use of colour. Who needs more grey in these difficult times when we all need more joy and colour in our lives! You are going to love this room!
You pointed out exactly why I chose these colors versus the white and blue and whites of our living room. This sanctuary room needs colors of warmth versus as you said more greys. Again Judith, we need more joy and color. Hopefully, you will experience all these things also in our brand new year.
I completely agree with your choices! It’s going to be light and bright – and warm and inviting. Can’t wait to see the results!
Thanks so much Anne! Definitely, I will be posting. xo
Your choices are lovely.
I appreciate your comment my friend! Soon, you will be in our home. This virus will not last forever.
Such a smart move to add the French doors – it makes for such a cozy space! And I LOOOOOOVE that rug! I hear you on the discontinued fabrics…this has been quite a year?! Looking forward to seeing it all come together, Mitzi!
Thanks Janet! Yes, you are spot on with the necessity of the French doors being the key to making our hang out space intimate versus merely another room. I am totally with you, this rug is key.
I like what you finally selected, that is what I would have picked too. Love those orange rugs. it is going to be so warm and cozy. Can’t wait to see the end result.
Thanks so much Mary Ann! The orange color rug is one of my favs in our upgrade project.
I enjoy hearing how you have made these choices and reused furnishings that had a different purpose before.
Thank you Lisa! It has taken awhile but in our own homes, we designers often take more time to come to our own design conclusions.
Hi Mitzi ~
Happy New Year to you. This post was a lot of fun to read.
I loved seeing your thought process as you went about selecting which fabric and which paint would make the cut. As you know, I left you a comment on your Instagram feed about my fav choice for the fabric, after you asked people for their opinions on it, and I’m glad to see the one I liked best [ the one on the right ] was your final selection. It’s so bright and pretty.
I am looking forward to seeing this room when it’s completed!
And to you as well Leslie! Thank you for commenting on my IG. I was ready to reply on that platform when I saw your comments here on your popular group. Your choice of the fabric on the right and your reasonings is spot on the right selection. We needed a bright and cheerful hang out space versus one that is on trend but not us. Right now, it is about seeking those home spaces that truly are our sanctuary spaces which meet the individual needs not what is trending.
I love how you are rethinking your space, and your choices of wallpaper and paint colors is perfect! I look forward to seeing more photos as your home projects are completed! Well done.
Thanks so much Amy! My workroom is slammed so my drapery order may be awhile. Therefore, my final after photos will happen but not right away. You will love the colors!
These look like wonderful selections. I look forward to seeing how it all turns out.
Thanks Sheri! Hopefully my workroom will have my panels done soon.