Amazing things happen when we work together for the good of any cause…right?
Design projects, organizations, government, families, etc. ALWAYS win when TEAM work is in play…pun intended.
And this is exactly what happened in Denver recently when the National Kitchen and Bath Association (NKBA) – Rocky Mountain Chapter worked tirelessly to bring the building, vendors and design groups together for a combined event that was over the top successful thanks totally to the committee chaired by Barbara Barton, NKBA.

The AMAZING Event Committee – Front Row: Erik Listou (HBA, NKBA), Robin deRuyter (ASID), Jan Atkin (NKBA), Ute Vandenburghe (NKBA), Karen Moyer (NKBA, ASID), Tanya Otten (NKBA, ASID), Jan Neiges (incoming President NKBA Colo. Chapter), Jeane Dole (ASID), Back Row: Barbara Barton (NKBA), Melissa Steiner (NKBA).
Truly, I have attended conferences all over the country for many decades (yes decades now) and to have the privilege of seeing in action what can occur when everyone works together for the common good, WOW, amazing things happen that are tangibly visible in front of our very eyes.
So because of their efforts, American Institute of Architects (AIA), American Society of Interior Designers (ASID), International Interior Design Association (IIDA), Home Builders Association (HBA) and NKBA all joined forces, and I mean forces, to learn and create dialogue on the huge Baby Boomers market needs, values and wants.
Erik Listou, CAPS instructor of the Build Responsible Institute, and George Bentley, founder of Bentley Baths, presented eye-opening facts and stories on just how huge this Boomer market is and the potential for business is in the billions…yes billions for builders, developers, vendors, product manufacturers, architects and designers.
It was also my great privilege to speak to this gathering of 200 at the amazing showroom at Galleria of Stone with even Urban Home Magazine present to capture the essence of what this industry event was focusing on for the Denver Metro area and all of America.
So Baby Boomers and all the industry attendees, get ready to see a housing revolution with new home models and products. With 78 million baby boomers those who do not see or hear the roar of the Boomer, hang on to your hat, because they are coming and they are smart and savvy. They will certainly not settle for the same ole same ole design and product.
You’ll see.