The very merry busy month of May is upon us with showers, graduations, and etc. We can make these significant times even more memorable by incorporating these wonderful tablescape basics. And who doesn’t enjoy sitting down to a beautiful table? And yes, even with today’s busy lifestyles, getting the basics down shows our family and friends we cared enough to expend this effort just for them. …Read More
This video of mine, even though done a couple of years ago, contains table setting basics that I continue to use for whatever may be the occasion. The timeless adage of “it’s the little things that count” justifies any time or effort on my part to show my family or guests that they are indeed very important and special to me. Even though this tablescape in my video is way fancier than what is normally done, these tablescape basics will always remain the guide, and once mastered, will become like second nature. You’ll see…:)
Both of these table settings are on our screened in porch where we regularly entertain our friends and family. Same table, same space, but entirely different looks with different table cloths and place settings. And, neither one of these table settings were expensive or time consuming!
Table on right: Table Design by Carol Rame Centerpieces, Table on Left: Rooms for Rent
I love Carol Rame’s creative idea of scattering fruit around the floral centerpiece to repeat the beautiful orange of the flowers.
Notice that the Rooms for Rent table setting is mostly texture with very little color necessary to complete this fabulous look which is so elegant and lovely.
I’m ending this post with most of my grand-angels and their BobBob to let you know that our families make eating and celebrating together a priority. However, real life always happens with us whether we can accomplish a beautiful table or not. I also cannot end wthout emphasizing how majorly important I believe it is to make time for our families and friends.
The first photo in this post was for a spring luncheon at our home with special friends that none of us wanted to end. Yes, meeting at a restaurant is wonderful too, but opening and sharing our homes just cannot be beat, ever.
Hopefully, as always, my post will inspire you to be more and do more. I will be here celebrating you all, as we live and love life together.
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