Here I am speaking speaking to a group of O50s, those over 50, learning of the 2 main ingredients to live the vibrantly, fun- filled, healthy life that I believe is possible for everyone. Find out if you have or want to have these two important keys to living and loving your life now and for your future.
But first I must ask you, what is your plan moving forward? Do you have a plan? Have you given any thought to what your future life will or could look like? Well, my friends, if you want all that life can offer you, to begin your journey of gleaning a new perspecitive on aging this post is for you. Perhaps this day can be the day for you to consider to do more and be more with your very special life.

The two major elements I am talking about are RECEPTIVITY AND ATTENTIVNESS.
It is very rewarding for me when I see those seeking to RECEIVE more helpful information regarding their personal lives. Why? Because it is known that knowledge is power. Unfortunately though, many times throughout our different life stages, we do not know what we do not know. For starters, do you know about the new and very exciting research emerging on brain theory?
In the chapters in my book on MINDSET, I extensively reveal the current stinking thinking lies regarding believing that aging effects everyone’s memory.

But for you to break any previously incorrect mindsets on your own aging brain, you get it, you must open up or be RECEPTIVE to the scientists and doctors newest information on brain theory. But it doesn’t stop there. Then you must be ATTENTIVE to what you think, say, and do for your own aging brain. This is part of the 6 Super Components of DESIGN SMARTS.
If you only read the chapters in my book on MINDSETS and ATTITUDES and nothing else, and if you are RECEPTIVE AND ATTENTIVE, your life will then be equipped, enlightened, and empowered to do more and be more than you ever thought possible. Why wouldn’t you want to know how? Why did I even write this book?
I wrote this book to bring light into dark minds and attitudes of complacency to smash those limiting strongholds that are doing just that, limiting your life and lifestyle by believing and accepting all the lies on aging. I believe that many of you are already considering what could be in your life with your RECEPTIVENESS AND ATTENTIVENESS. I am already so excited be celebrating with you!

What a great group recently at Opti-Life for my presentation, Design Your Life to Thrive. The interest from these attendees shows the definite need for those special Grand Tweens, the over 50, to learn together how to rock life versus merely surviving life rather than by trial and error. This is why I am so excited for you to read my book to discover for yourself the Design Smarts to give you a guide or blueprint to successfully forge ahead in your future years.
And, for those of you in the Wichita area, Opti-Life is an absolute gem of a facility to improve your wellness with so much to offer. This is a place to connect with fabulous staff and a myriad of classes, trainers, and oh BTW, a fabulous spa. When we move later this spring, this will be a huge loss for me since there really is nothing else that compares.
For those of you that asked me about my books timing, I am delighted to share that preorders are now available on Amazon here with the publish date for printed copies April 16th.
You can sign up for the latest tips from my book, Design Smarts Inspiration for Home + Life updates here. This is where you will also learn of the drawings for book give aways and many other free downloads to help you be Design Smart! I am so hopeful you will join this emerging group to change indeed the way we age in America. And we all say it is about time!
Living and Loving Life Together,

P.S. And again, Please Be sure to follow me on Instagram, Youtube, Pinterest, and like my Facebook page